Range trees. Those of my friends who've had a lot of programming competition experience would be well-acquainted with them. They're neat recursive data structures which I thought would make an excellent toy project for me to learn a bit more about performance profiling in Haskell.
...range trees
A range trees is a binary-tree-based data structure used to implement range queries.
\(\textrm{update}(x,v)\): set \(\texttt{a}[x] := v\)
\(\textrm{query}(x_1,x_2)\) [given \(x_1 \leq x_2\)]: return \(\texttt{a}[x_1] \bullet \texttt{a}[x_1+1] \bullet \cdots \bullet \texttt{a}[x_2-1]\)
For example, the range minimum query problem requires a data structure that updates integers in an array and answers queries of the form What is the lowest element in the range \([x_1,x_2)\)?
. The range sum query problem requires a data structure answering queries like what is the sum of elements 4 to 17 inclusive?
, and so on.
Range trees offer us \(O(\lg W)\) updates and queries using \(O(W)\), where \(W\) is the size of the array.
They're constructed as balanced binary trees where each leaf corresponds to an element in the array (ordered left to right, sensibly enough), and where each non-leaf node contains the sum of
all the leaves underneath it.
The root node contains the sum of the entire array, its children contain the sums of the left and right halves respectively, and so on. The leaves contain the values (
, if you will) of individual
array elements.
When the value of an array element changes, only \(O(\lg W)\) tree nodes need to be updated. Likewise, querying for the sum of a range of elements also only requires looking at the values stored
in \(O(\lg n)\) nodes. (In the example diagram above, finding the sum from a[1] to a[4] inclusive requires looking at three nodes: the ones storing the sums for a[1]
, a[2] + a[3]
, and a[4]
Haskell implementation
Here’s a first pass attempt at implementing a range tree in Haskell:
data RangeTree = RangeTree {width :: Int, tree :: RangeTreeNode} newRangeTree w = RangeTree {width = w, tree = newRangeTreeNode 0 w} update :: RangeTree -> Int -> Int -> RangeTree update rt x v = rt {tree = updateRangeTreeNode (tree rt) 0 (width rt) x v} query :: RangeTree -> Int -> Int -> Int query rt = queryRangeTreeNode (tree rt) 0 (width rt) -- Internals data RangeTreeNode = Leaf Int | Branch RangeTreeNode Int RangeTreeNode rtnValue :: RangeTreeNode -> Int rtnValue (Leaf v) = v rtnValue (Branch _ v _) = v newRangeTreeNode :: Int -> Int -> RangeTreeNode newRangeTreeNode x1 x2 | x1 == x2-1 = Leaf 0 | otherwise = Branch (newRangeTreeNode x1 ((x1+x2) `div` 2)) 0 (newRangeTreeNode ((x1+x2) `div` 2) x2) updateRangeTreeNode :: RangeTreeNode -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RangeTreeNode updateRangeTreeNode rtn x1 x2 x' v | x1 > x' || x2 <= x' = rtn | otherwise = case rtn of Leaf _ -> Leaf v Branch l _ r -> Branch l' (rtnValue l' + rtnValue r') r' where l' = updateRangeTreeNode l x1 ((x1+x2) `div` 2) x' v r' = updateRangeTreeNode r ((x1+x2) `div` 2) x2 x' v queryRangeTreeNode :: RangeTreeNode -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int queryRangeTreeNode rtn x1 x2 x1' x2' | x1' >= x2 || x1 >= x2' = 0 | x1' <= x1 && x2' >= x2 = rtnValue rtn | otherwise = queryRangeTreeNode l x1 ((x1+x2) `div` 2) x1' x2' + queryRangeTreeNode r ((x1+x2) `div` 2) x2 x1' x2' where Branch l _ r = rtn
The implementation is quite standard. The module exposes the functions update
and query
which are wrappers for the recursive functions updateRangeTreeNode
and queryRangeTreeNode
Let's see how this runs on some random data sets: